Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Dear Friends,
This is an old tale which I took and modified to reflect a good friend of mine, a one time apprentice and perhaps one of the strongest people I know. Recently she started a family of her own, broke a curse and re-entered my life in style. I would like to dedicate this tale to her and her father. To Tiger-Lilly and Tilsburg long may your days upon midgard be and may you have many adventures whilst here!
Greetings and well met,
My name is Garwulf some of you know me, others do not but hopefully by Logan's and Libra's will you have at least heard of me! I am a story teller and a follower of the old faith, some say I am a story teller others claim in older times I would have been a druid, less enlightened people call me a Hedge Wizard or a Magician or even a necromancer. Well I am a little of all these things and a bit more. I have been a Solider and a freebooter I have dealt with and traveled with Gestir, Stipendarii, Sergeants and even Cottereaux.
             I have traveled to Essex, Cornwall, Northumbria and Mercia to Wessex and even Hibernia, I have been a guest of the Lord of Gwent and I have been forced to flee the lands of the Franks. I have been party to Northmen rituals to Odin, Thor and Sif and I have met danced with Hecate, Artemis and Selene. i have played chess with hermes [and lost] and I have  lived amongst the Cruithne and once spent a year amongst the Orkneyinga.
            In this time I have encountered Night Hags and Banshee’s done battle with Boggies, Red Caps, Goblins and Dark Elves. I have fled from Liche, and Wights and I have done spell battle with Vatican Sorcerers in priestly guise and foul Necromancers who have used their gift for evil instead of good. I have made friends with Dwarves, lived amongst Elves have seen the birth of a Unicorn foul and witnessed the death and rebirth of a Pheonix.
            The story I want to tell you is about a young women called Tigerlily Millstone. Now some of you may of heard of her, others may not have. Tigerlily is a real person and a young women with so much inner strength she could and has felled a troll with her mind. That however has not always been the case. This story is a story of one of her many adventuures. When the story takes place she is the daughter of a powerful local cheiften and warrior. Her mother has passed away from the pox and she lives with her family in Tilia near to the banks of the river. She is a skilled fighter and a bit of a thief and as yet is unaware of her magical potential. her name comes from her preoccupation with getting into trouble. Although her father loves her she has become abit of a Millstone around his neck as she gets involved with scrapes and adventures. This story begins with her at home but soon ends up somewhere else!
As we begin this Tale we first need to understand where Tigerlily lived the town of Tilia is dominated by the docks where most of the towns men and women work and the might Tilia Fort. Now general Tilia was a mighty man with a mighty reputation and you will understand because of him Tilia was a much more important town than it might otherwise have been. It was because of this that unlike many towns and villages at this time Tilia had a school run by a couple of priests named Brother Torrel and brother Chad. The school opened for a half day half day between Moonday and freyasday with Saturnsday and Sunday off. The school was not renowned for the sages and scholars it produced but it was much used if not as much as the church would have liked. Now Tigerlilly's father, Jarl Chael wanted his daughter  to amount to something, one child his son was already a master ranger and adventurer and travelled far and wide bring fame and fortune to the family, one daughter (a berserk and part time pit fighter) was safely married and producing male heirs the last was still very young and had a way to go. So his attention fell to Tigerlilly. Which was not in Tigerlilly's opinion always a good thing.
            One day after a very nasty arguement with one of her teachers where Tigerlilly had dared to question the shape of the world. Brother Chad had begun the lesson by showing a picture of a flat world with all the water poring of the sides. Tigerlilly had simply asked "Sir if the water falls of the side of the world how comes we do not run out". Brother Chad had almost choked and had sent her out fourth with. knowing her father would not be pleased with this she decided to run away and return when she had made her fortune!
            She travelled for a day and a night until just before dawn on the second day she came across a Shepard crying. "Wots up" she said. Well the Shepard almost jumped out of his skin, by the time he had recovered Tigerlilly had sat down and helped herself to a mug of his tea and some of his cheese. "You scared the living day lights out of me young girl, what buisness do you have skulking around out here".

"SKULLKING, SKULLKING I WAS NOT SKULLIKING UNDERSTAND". Well the shepard who had faced down wolves and bears and even a boar once was not quite prepared for this.

"Sorry" he said rather meekly. "Its just that an Ogre has been steeling some of my sheep each morning and I am quite powerless to stop him"

Tigerlilly stood and looked up at the man "Well wot do I get if I sort this bully out". The Shepard almost laughed until he saw she was serious.
"Well if you can and I say IF you can rid me of the Ogre I will give you a 1/4 of my sheep".

"A 1/3 said Tigerlilly" very confidently. " Done" replied the Shepard who figured she would be dead soon in any case.

Tigerlilly looked around "I'll need some of this cheese and I think thats about it!"

Chesse,! please be my guess. Oh look here comes the Ogre! Tigerlilly smiled this was going to be the easest job she had done in a while!

"Oi you big nose" called Tigerlilly to the Ogre. "big Nose BIG NOSE who are you calling big NOSE" roared the ogre.

"Well look ere if you dont stop eating this guys sheep I am going to break your nose" she said confidently.

"i would like to see you try" laughed the Ogre.

"Ok then" she said and walked towards him "If you dont fink I am strong enough I'll prove it!"

"How" said the Oger suspiciously. " Well we will both grab a stone and squeeze it the first one to amke water come from it will obviously be the stronger"

"Yeah spose so" said the Ogre.

Tigerlilly took a rock out of her pouch (he Cheese she took from the Shepard) and the Ogre picked up one from the ground. They both began to squeeze. Tigerlilly soon had water coming out of hers. The Ogre though try a she might could not make water run from his rock.

The Ogre looked at the small human girl and wondered just how human she was. He was now more than just a little frightened.

"Look" said Tigerlilly "how about i give you another chance" The Ogre stroked his chin and said yeah ok but this time I choose and if you beat me you get half my treasure"

Tigerlilly smiled and the Ogre gulped what had it let its self in for?

"Come on then little one" the ogre said bravely, ignoring the small humans sneer "Well head of to my cave and i'll introduce you to me mother"
The ogres mother lived with her son in an old sea cave and it was almost midnight before the two odd companions arrived.

"Wait ere a sec" said the ogre who then hurried on in and told his old crone of a mother everything. Now his mother was no ordinary ogre, her mother had been a sea hag and had told her secrets. The mother looked out at the small human and laughed. "Some how you have been tricked me lad" she cackled "I iz sure of it"

She looked around the room ah yes she thought to herself I have just the thing, "call this Tilly creature in and do it fast"
"Come here girl, see these two clubs" she pointed to two great mauls "I bet my son can thow one further than you can".

Although worried Tilly never let it show "Yeah well I reckon you might be a bit surprised my deary said Tilly with fake confidence"

"Well lets go then" said the Ogre grabbing both clubs and effortlessly swinging them up onto his shoulders. So of they went up on to the cliff to see who could throw their club the furthest.

By the time the two had got to the top of the Cliff Tigerliiy was exhusted and looked around to see if their was anyway she could get out of this. All she could see was the night sky, the full moon, the see and the land. What am I going to do she thought....then she had an idea by Luna she had it.

"I'll go first" said the ogre confidently

"Be my guest" said Tigerlilly equally confident

The ogre picked up his club and through, it went for almost a mile and a half. Tigerlilly was impressed but descided not to say so, now to see if her plan would work.

Tigerlilly picked up the end of her club and waited looking in the direction the gre had thrown his.

They wiated and waited until finally the Ogre spoke "Come on then what are you waiting for"

I thought he would never ask thought the brave young girl. "Oh sorry I was just waiting for the Moon to get out of the way, I wouldn't want to hit her"

The Ogre stopped and staired at her then he stared at the moon and then he returned his gaze to the little slip of a girl who stood so confidently before him.

"You dont want to hit the moon" he stamered. As he spoke his eye developed a nervous tick. As he spoke he lost colour from his face and began to swet. Then without another word he turned and ran back down the cliff to the cave bellow.

Tigerlilly thought she could here him cry "mummieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" as he entered the cave

Taking her time Tigerlilly Millstone walked back to the cave most pleased with herself. She even had an oppertunity to meet a talking fish but that alas was and is another story.

When Tigerlilly arrived back at the Cave the two Ogres where all smiles and pleasantry. "Well you best have some food and a sleep its been a big day for you" said the Ogre Hag. Tigerilly pretended to eat the food not trusting the two Ogres and then asked to be shown to her bed!

"Well just go make it for you my dear" the Hag said sweetly, two sweetly for Tigerlilly's liking. So she snuck after them.

As she came to a turn in the cave she heard the two Ogres planning to kill her in her sleep. The plan was to come in quietly and bash her over the head until she was dead and to eat her body in the morning. When the Ogres cam back they had brought an old tatty blanket with them. "Follow me honey" the She Ogre said.
            As soon as they had left her TigerLilly looked around until she say a spare club. Picking it up she staggered over to the bed and placed the club in the bed. Then quickly she hid under the bed making sure the tatty blanket covered the club and hung over the edge of the bed. Tigerlilly did not have to wait long as her candle burnt down low she could hear the Ogre creep into her room he had with him one of the great Mauls from the throwing contest. he raised it up high and bashed down on where the girls head should have been. He hit her not once, not twice but three times. Jumping with joy he turned around and went to inform his mother of his deed.
            When the old sea hag heard what had occurred she jumped with joy and began to prepare a cauldren in which to cook the young humans remains. Ah they would eat well this day a lovely human female full of strength and vitality.

Just to make sure she had placed a powerful curse of slaying on the Maul so she was absoultly sure that the girl was dead, dead, dead!

Oh how well had this worked out, her son would be able to claim more sheep for all would fear him now, the young girl was dead and they would make a snack of her and lastly thye got to keep there treasure.

She was about to sing when something rather odd and unexpected happened.....

"Morning" called the very much alive Tigerlilly. "I hope you two slept as well as I did, that is one comftable bed."

Both Ogres just stood there mouths agap and eyes wide.

The She Ogre could only say one thing and that came out as  whisper "no no no no no no noooooooooooooooo"

The male Ogre her son was almost crying, his legs where buckled and his knees knocked against each other. Instead of grey his skin had turned a greeny cream and he failed to find his voice.

"the only thing I have to complain about" said Tilly carrying on as if nothing was wrong at all "is that i ahve a small bump on my head I think I might have bumped it in the night or you have bed bugs".

The Ogres where in complete shock and filled with fear. Both powerful either in strength or magic where quite convinced that this small human beofre them was much more than she appeared.

"Oh great one please dont kill us" they pleaded "You can have all of our treasure an dme sun will help you carry it home!".

Tigerlilly Milstone was over the moon. She looked at the two cowering monsters. "Well if you do not want me to destroy you then you must both promise to stop attacking humans and eating their sheep". Oh that remined her "And your son can help me get my sheep home.

With that they packed up all the treasure and went to visit a certian shepard. He was very impressed and more than a little scared. He gave her all the sheep she wanted and was glad to see her go.

It took Tigerlilly just two days to get home, all in all she had been away for almost a week. She got the Ogre to put her treasure in her fathers  round house and then forced the poor creature to build a pen for the sheep.

Before she let it go she gave it one last order which it was more than pleased to do! Well around about noon Tigerlilly's father had returned he was in a foul mood. Things had not gone well that week first his daughter had been thrown out of school, then his daughter had run off, then he had discovered his prize cheese the one that looked like a slab of stone was missing, then he remembered Tigerlilly had the Key to his strong box, then he realised he missed having her to shout at, then he discovered one of his farmers was been terrorised by a Ogre so he had taken the militia out after it but it seemed to have vanished, then today some Ogre had beaten Brother Chad near to death with his flat earth model, then when he got home someone had parked a load of sheep where his chariot went. As he opened his door to his round house he was hit by the smell of mutton, hmm he thought to himself that smells lovely...then he quickly reminded himself he was angry! As was his custom he walked past his cheese room what was this not one but three pieces of stony granite cheese. Something was very wrong he thought.

Drawing his Axe he went to his strong box only to discover he now had five and that most of them where over flowing.

"DAD" he heard a voice call "FOODS READY"

So shocked at hearing his daughters voice he almost dropped his axe, he turned and walked into the Kitchen.

Standing their in her best cloths all new! With a ladle behind her back looking all innocent and smiles was Tilly. On the table was a big bowl of mutton and a fresh loaf of bread. His big knife was also sharpened and waiting for him.

He went to speak but before he could Tilly spoke "SIT!" he did and as he did she kissed her father on the cheek. As he sat down all he could think was to do as he was told and eat.

"I’m just of out dad Adilade isn’t feeling well and needs to go to the Wise women to get checked out and I am the only one who will take her see ya latter" and with that the door slammed and she was gone.
As her father sat there he wasn’t quite sure if he understood what had just happened. At first he considered cursing Hel for sending him a daughter with more balls than most berserkers and then he considers thanking Odin for sending him a girl who could look after herself in the end he simply thanked the three fates that his daughter was his daughter.

And with that thought he tucked into his meal and by Odins beards it was good!


Well my good hosts and audience that was the story of Tigerlilly Millstone and the Ogre by the Sea, my name is Garwulf and it is my hope that by Logan's and Libra's will you have at least enjoyed my tale. Thank you for my drinks and your complements, but the evening grows late and I must retire until next time Blessed Be and may fate always guide you!

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